Standing Room Only
When on an A-circuit tour, I and the rest of the crew pulled into a hotel/bar in Olympia WA. Walking in we were aghast at the small room. What to do? Play it safe with a WIMPY show or the whole enchilada? We opted for the WHOLE ENCHILADA. For three nights we rocked the house, standing room only, the dineros rolled in like water. One of the more memorable gigs I've ever done.
The Bar in Milton
The house was packed, the show was on, taps running open and cash being thrown over the bar. The dance floor flexed and my speaker stacks nervously swayed. Someone shook a long-neck, beer sprayed, a brawl ensued. The Light Man grabbed my shoulder as I held my console in place and said, "Hang on little buddy!" The bar owner was shoving through the mayhem, wrangling with the beer sprayer to 86 them. I signaled , "Turn down?" He yelled out, "TURN IT UP"
We burned down the house!
ROCK n' ROLL is Good Times.
My Guardian Angel?
Spokane WA, industrial area. After gig. Out and about where I should not have been. 4 x 4 pulls up, two guys get out, obvious intent to beat the sh*t out of me or worse. I hear a Hog, it rumbles up and stops. Little short guy in rough denim, shoulder length black hair, no helmet, walks over and asks, "What's up?" I said, "I'm with the band and these guys aren't cool." The driver of the truck was already in drivers seat. Apparently he had a premonition. Biker grabs other guy, stuffs his head into truck footwell. Door slams shut, Biker still hanging on throwing punches through open window as truck accelerates away, swerving to throw Biker off. Biker rolls across street in cloud of dust. Stands and brushes self off. Walks back to bike. I say, "Thanks man." Biker says nothing, mounts stead, jumps on kickstart, revs engine, rides away into darkness.
I'm still here to tell the story.
You Decide.
I'd spent three days setting up and running an outdoor concert. It was an amateur multiple group event with the headliner a National-level band. I fought the sound all day, trying get things to work the way I wanted, pure frustration. Then the Headliner came on stage. I zeroed the console. Sound check? You must be kidding. Much to my amazement the vocals were clear, guitars came through, and the drums sounded fairly close to what I wanted. It was this day I learned the difference a professional seasoned talent makes, and I never forgot.
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